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Emotional Healing Handbook | 佚名 Unknown
The intent of our prayer session today is for you to experience emotional healing through a personal encounter with the Lord. We will be trying to expose lies you have believed and establish the truth instead. The result will be that you will have a deeper relationship with the Lord and that you will experience more freedom, peace, and joy in your life. We will uncover root lies that you have believed. I will be asking you to feel your emotions in current memory and then we will follow those emotions to earlier memories when you felt that same way. The three root lies that people believe are: I’m not good enough, I am helpless/powerless and my situation is hopeless. Lies are hidden in our memories of the past and they continue to affect us until they are exposed and dealt with. Today I’ll be asking you to feel your emotions as I ask you questions like, “How did this make you feel”.

You might wonder why we believe lies. Are you familiar with the story of Adam and Eve? In the beginning, when God created the world, he made everything perfect but something happened when Adam and Eve ate the fruit. Sin and pain came into the world. Satan’s scheme to destroy our perfect relationship with God was through deception.

The serpent said to Eve, “Did God really say that you must not eat from any tree in the garden?” Eve’s response was, “we must not eat from or touch this tree or we will die.” The serpent said, “you will certainly not die...rather you will be like God.” The implication to Eve was that she was not good enough and that she could be as good as God. You are not good enough is one of the greatest lies that Satan has used repeatedly throughout history.

The Bible tells us that after both Adam and Eve ate the fruit they suddenly realized that they were naked. They hid from God and were ashamed. When God confronted them about their sin he asked them, “What had happened?” Adam’s response was to blame Eve and God (“It was the woman that you gave me!”). Eve, in turn, blamed the serpent. Negative emotions such as shame, fear, disappointment, frustration, and anger came into the world with sin.

Jesus confirmed the scheme of the devil in John 8:44 when he said that the devil is the father of all lies. John wrote in Revelation 12:9 that Satan is the deceiver of the nations. Deception occurs when a lie is taken for the truth. When we accept a lie as truth, sin often follows. 1 Timothy 2:14 says, “The woman was deceived, and sin was the result.” Satan uses the same tactics with us today that he used in the garden with Adam and Eve.

The devil comes to kill, steal and destroy us. If he can cause us to believe that we are not good enough, or that we are helpless or that our situation is hopeless, we will act on those beliefs. The result of believing a lie can manifest in many ways but it is always destructive to us and to our relationships with God and others. Today we will be trying to discover what root lies you may be believing and replace those with the truth. The Bible tells us that the truth will set us free.

Nothing that is shared during our prayer session will be repeated without your permission or unless you have shared it publicly.