Eight Steps to Unlock Emotional Healing

Emotional Healing Handbook | 佚名 Unknown
Prior to beginning the session, explain the confidentiality policies and begin the session with pray. Ask, “Do you want to be freed today?” If they answer, “Yes”, then ask, “How much freedom would you like to receive today? A little or deep?” If they answer, “Deep”, then when identifying their sins, you will proceed to ask deeper questions.

1. Identify the Shame, Fear, Anger (Negative Emotions Found in the Garden), Sins, and Root Lie(s)
2. Renounce the Negative Emotions/Sins and Give them to the Lord
3. Break the Ties (More in Spiritual Deliverance)
4. Cast Out the Impure Spirits (More in Spiritual Deliverance)
5. Take the Root Lie(s) to the Lord
6. Hearing and Obeying the Lord
7. Walking and Growing in the Spirit
8. Prayer for Spiritual Impartation and Physical Healing

See the 8 Step Plan for details of these steps.