Prayer Guidelines

Emotional Healing Handbook | 佚名 Unknown
The intent of an Emotional Healing session is for the recipient to have a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ through the presence of the Holy Spirit’s guidance. The goal and result will be to establish the truth to the recipient and lead them to a deeper relationship with the Lord. By removing Anger, Sin, and Lies from a person’s life, they will experience freedom, peace and joy that had been previously diminished or absent altogether.

If the recipient does not have a relationship with the Lord, you can administer the session in the same way. Most people believe that there is a God even if they do not know Him personally. Hopefully, they will have an encounter with the Lord that will bring them into a revelation of their need of a savior.

A prayer session will ideally be done in a quiet, comfortable setting with a trained facilitator, the prayer recipient and with a third person sitting in. The third person may be someone that is being trained to facilitate or it could be a person that can intercede during the session. Having a third person provides accountability and support to the session. It is preferred that men would pray with men and women with women when possible. There may be times when this is not possible but it is imperative that a third person sit in in that situation. A typical prayer session would be scheduled for two hours. The actual time needed will vary and may be shorter but it is better to allow for more time to avoid ending the session prematurely. The facilitator will need their notebook, a pen and a box of tissue. It is good to have a Bible with you in case you want to reference a scripture.

During the session, you will take a current emotionally charged event or memory and encourage the recipient to allow the negative emotions to be felt. When they are feeling the negative emotion, you will help them to connect to a root memory from their childhood that contains a lie or false thinking. The stronger they feel the emotion, the easier it is to connect to the childhood memory. Remember that our current situations are rarely the cause of our emotional pain but instead, they are rooted in events that occurred earlier in our life. Emotions are triggered and resurface over and over again until they are pulled out by the root.

Note: This is not a counseling or therapy session. Do not try to counsel during the session. It is best to take the questions that the recipients have to the Lord. The Lord will answer the questions and concerns of their heart versus our ministering to them. When they hear from the Lord personally, the impact will be much greater and the healing deeper than if we speak truth to them. For example, if we tell a person that God loves them it will be the truth but it will only be head knowledge. But when they hear the Lord say that He loves them, it will speak to their heart and bring peace and healing. Once the anger and sins have been released and confessed, they will be able to hear God speak to them.

Keep the questions straightforward

Basically ask only those questions that will help you identify those negative emotions found in the Garden (i.e. Shame, fear, anger), sins, and lies. Questions such as “Do you have anger/hate towards anyone?”, “Are you fearful of anyone or anything?, “Have you ever felt Not good enough, helpless, or hopeless?”, “What sins do you want to deal with?”

Keep your eyes open while praying so you will notice facial cues from the recipient. Avoid touching the recipient or comforting them when they cry as this will hinder the healing process.

If you begin to feel your emotions being stirred up during a session that is an indication that you need to schedule a prayer session for yourself. It is a good idea to have several sessions for yourself before becoming a facilitator. Negative emotions are an indication of what we truly believe. When we expose the false thinking we can allow truth to prevail and live a victorious life. Most people know biblical truths in their head such as “My God shall supply all my needs…” but they may fear that they will not have enough money to provide for their needs. That fear indicates a false belief being held.

Finally, when it comes to taking good notes, the most important thing is to be able to identify and note the NEFIG, Sins, and Lies. Sometimes when they are sharing, you will be able to pick up the NEFIG, Sins, and Lies. There’s really not much need to write down too much of what they share except when you want to ask how they feel about a certain situation. In such a case, repeat what they just shared and ask how they feel about that.

Confidentiality Policy

Confidentiality is key to establish trust and maintaining the integrity of the CTP prayer session. Nothing that is shared during a prayer session is to be repeated without the expressed permission of the prayer recipient. Only when and what they have shared publicly can be repeated. We may use generic comments about a session without personal attachment to details. Before beginning a session, the facilitator should go over the confidentiality policy with the recipient and give them a chance to ask any questions they may have.


At the end of a session, the facilitator may ask the recipient if they would be willing to share a testimony with others. A shared testimony is usually kept to two or three minutes and does not need to include personal details of the prayer session. Sharing our victories with one another will be an encouragement that will build up the body of Christ. It can be as simple as saying that they received emotional healing prayer and now feel freedom and peace that they had not known before.

Praying with Children

When praying for children, always obtain permission from their parents. Sessions may be scheduled for only one hour since they do not require longer sessions. Most children have less negative experiences to process and because of their young age, you can get to a root memory much more quickly than with an adult. Some countries may have other requirements. Follow the law of the land regarding praying for children.