一: 受了恩惠与职分, 在万国中为基督的名叫人信服真道: 徒19:21,20:1-3

羅馬書 | 朱志山
羅馬書是聖靈啟示使徒保羅所寫的書信當中,有關福音最經典與透徹的書信。這本書信不但:(1)設定了福音的純淨觀念(神的義本於信,以至于信);(2)也結合了福音的實際性(靠着心靈的新樣,察驗神的美意而活);(3)最終也帶來福音的普世性,使聽信福音之人不能單單停留在認識福音,乃生發一顆向萬人的欠債之心,要將福音不斷的傳到新的群體中。確實上,歷史歷代都認定了羅馬書的重要性。馬丁路德說它“實為新約首要的部份……真是最純正的福音。加爾文說“若能真正明白這卷書信,便是開啟了聖經一切奧秘寶藏之門”。英譯聖經之父(William Tyndale)說它是:新約最主要、最非凡的一部分,是最純正的福音,也是進到全本聖經的亮光和途徑……這本書越研讀越容易,越咀嚼就越可喜。初期教父最偉大的教父(Augustine of Hippo)也是從放蕩和被色慾捆綁的人生中因這本書喚醒,重生悔改。羅馬書裡頭有幾處的福音要點(視為羅馬書架構)是我們要掌握的:《1:16》福音本是神的大能,要救一切相信的(神為的救恩);《3:23》世人都犯了罪,虧欠神的榮耀(對罪的確實認識);《4:13》神應許亞伯拉罕(與後裔)不是因律法,乃是因信得的義(因信稱義);《5:8,20》基督在我們作罪人時為我們死,顯出神的愛… 因此罪在哪裡多,恩典就更顯多了(因信稱義之人的確據);《6:14》罪不能作你們的主,因你們不在律法之下,乃在恩典之下(因信稱義之人的成聖);《7:6》服侍主要按着心靈的新樣,不按着儀文的舊樣(認識肉體與聖靈);《8章》聖靈的事工與眾聖徒的得勝有餘;《9-11章》神為猶太人與外邦人的主權性計劃,在此也顯明神的預定之恩;《12-15章》靠聖靈察驗神美意,在生活中活出基督榮形;《16章》問安中聯結同路人。以上是羅馬書的脈絡,顯示兩個大主題:① 福音是神的大能,要救一切相信的《1:16》,② 信福音之人裡頭的聖靈,是實際的向聖徒顯明上帝善良、純全、可喜悅的旨意《12:2》。確實上,羅馬書所講的福音包含着主要與聯結的真理。倘若我們失去主要根基或是隻停留在根基卻不發展到生命生活的每個領域中,我們就會失去福音的精義,掉入以人本出發的信仰。或無能的神學道理。
Among all books written by Paul through the Holy Spirit conviction, the book of Romans is the most classic and comprehensive letters concerning the gospel. This book has (1) laid down the pure concepts of the gospel (the righteousness of God is by faith from first to last); (2) combined the practicality of the gospel (rely on the new way of the Spirit, live by testing and approving the perfect will of God); (3) eventually led to the universality of the gospel, such that people who have listened and believed in the gospel will not only remain in knowing the gospel, but all the more have a heart of indebtedness to all people developed in them, desiring to spread the gospel to new groups of people. Actually, the history and generations have all acknowledged the importance of Romans. Martin Luther said, “This letter is truly the most important piece in the New Testament. It is purest Gospel”. Calvin said, “If we can really understand this volume of letters, it is opening the door to all the mysteries of the treasure.” The father of bible English translations (William Tyndale) said it is: the principal and most excellent part of the New Testament, a light and a way in unto the whole scripture. ..the more it is studied the easier it is, the more it is chewed the pleasanter it is.” The greatest of the early church fathers (Augustine of Hippo) was also awakened from his hedonistic lifestyle and bondage of the lust through this book, thus repented and made borned again. There’re few fundamentals in this books of Romans (deemed as the cornerstone of Romans) we need to grasp: <1:6> The gospel is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes (salvation is God-driven); <3:23> for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (to understand truly what sin is); <4:13> It is not through the law that Abraham and his offspring received the promise that he would be heir of the world, but through the righteousness that comes by faith (made righteous by faith); < 5:8,20> But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us…But when sin increased, grace increased all the more (the assurance of being made righteous by faith); <6:14> For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace (the sanctification of people made righteous by faith); <7:6> We serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code (knowing flesh and Holy Spirit); <Chapter 8> the work of the Holy Spirit and all saints are more than conquerors; <Chapters 9-11> Lord’s sovereign purpose in Jews and Gentiles, revealing the predestined grace of God; <Chapters 12-15> Rely on the Holy Spirit in testing and approving the perfect will of God, living out the glorious image of Christ; <Chapter 16> Connecting travel mates in greetings. All these are the thread in the book of Romans, revealing 2 great themes: ① The Gospel is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes 《1:16》,② The Holy Spirit residing in people who believe in the gospel is revealing God’s good, pleasing and perfect will practically《12:2》. Actually, the gospel that Romans mentions includes the truth that is fundamental and connected. If we lose the primary foundation or remain on the foundation and not extending it to all areas of our lives and living, we will soon lose the essence of the gospel and fall into a faith that is humanistic, or the theological truths that are powerless.