
Emotional Healing Handbook | 佚名 Unknown
1) What are the three root lies?

Not good enough, powerless or helpless & hopeless.
(“I’m not good enough”, I’m powerless or helpless & “I am” or “it is” hopeless.)

2) What are some keywords to recognize that are above the root lie:

Not Good Enough = Worthless, Unworthy, Failure, Inadequate, Insignificant, Not important, Not loved, No Value, Useless, Rejected, etc.
Helpless/Powerless = Alone, Out of Control, Can’t do it
Hopeless = Alone, No way out, Out of Control, No matter what I do, it’s not enough

3) Why do I need to get rid of the anger and sin before dealing with a root lie?

Each hurtful memory is a container of anger i.e., hurt, sin and lies. Once the anger and sin are dealt with we can then take the lies to Lord for His truth. Remember the figure of the box with the chain and padlock? It’s easier to remove the chain (i.e. sin) after the padlock is open (i.e. anger is removed).

4) Are there times when one needs to confess sin before getting rid of anger?

Yes, but only with a small percentage of the time. The rule of thumb is to get rid of anger first. If a person cannot get rid of his anger because of strong guilt, then ask them if they are willing to confess that ‘sin’ to the Lord. Afterward, then go back and get rid of anger.

5) When you use the word [Angry] generically in this manual, what other emotions are included under the ‘Anger and Hurt’?

In this manual, ‘Angry’ is generically represented as a spectrum of anger and hurt that includes disappointed, frustrated, mad, upset, sad, resent, hate, depressed, hurt, etc. We use the form [angry] to represent its generic usage that can be substituted with the other expressions of anger and hurt. You would process each of the [anger] emotion the same way through the anger release prayer.

6) What about ‘being sad’ or ‘being ashamed’?

Sadness and shame need special consideration. When a person is ‘sad’, that could be good or bad. For example, they are sad because their parents do not know Jesus. Ask the person if that sadness is good for them. If so, don’t release it. Shame is a combination of sin (i.e. guilt) and anger. Adam and Eve felt shame after they ate the fruit. There was the guilt and disappointed they had for themselves. So with shame, you will need to help them get rid of anger, and confess their sin.

7) What if a person has several [angers] towards one person?

For example, he was angry towards, and hated his father. How do you process multiple [angers] toward one person? Usually you can combine all of these [angers] in one anger release. For example, “Lord, I was afraid of, angry and hated my father because…” There may be times when combining multiple [angers] will make it too heavy or too big for them to give to the Lord. If so, you could break this into two or more anger releases. For example, you may want to deal with being afraid of his father first, then deal with the anger and hate the second time around.

8) Can a person really be angry with God?

In general, people are angry with God, self or others. They may be angry with their parents, spouse, children, friends, siblings, or someone else who hurt them. Their negative emotion could also be directed at themselves or at God. Some Christians have a hard time acknowledging that they are angry with God (or parents). You may have to tell them that it’s ok to be angry with God. He’s a big God and He can handle you being angry with Him. The point is that even though they may be angry with God now, we can give that anger back to Him.

9) What are the reasons that someone might not want to get rid of anger?

Shut down emotions
Too big, too deep, or too heavy
Fear of being hurt again or something worse
Unconfessed Sin
Spiritual or demonic influences
They may believe that it justifies the actions of the other person

10) What can I do if someone is having trouble with feeling their emotions?

Let them know that sometimes people will shut down their emotions to cover the pain. Explain to them that shutting down our emotions is like turning off the light via a light switch. We can turn on and off our emotions the same way. If they choose to feel again, it may be true that they will be connected to the negative emotions of the past. However, this will allow them to connect to lower level memories, so we can deal with the root. Are they willing to feel again? If so, pray and ask them to turn on their emotions.

If that did not work, ask what would happen if they would feel their emotion. If it’s something negative, then take that to the Lord: “Lord, _____ believes that if they feel their emotion this would happen…..; What do you want them to know?

If they continue to rationalize during the session, help them to realize that they are rationalizing. Let them know that you want them to feel. Remind them that feeling emotion will help them connect to lower memories and that this is a safe place to feel them.

Ask them to close their eyes and stay in the memory

Celebrate victories and leave the session on a good note. Explain that blocked emotions do happen for some but most will eventually be able to feel in later sessions.

11) Do I still need to go to the lower level memory if they reveal a root lie in more recent memory?

Yes, we want to take the recipient to the root memory so that the lie is pulled out completely. This will produce the greatest healing. The root memory usually is found in their childhood.

12) What should I do if I feel nervous about leading a session after I have completed the training?

Each session is different and so it is impossible to fully prepare someone to confidently lead in every situation after the training is complete. It will help you to grow as a facilitator to continue to practice under the guidance of a more experienced facilitator. The more sessions you observe and help to lead will grow you in experience and confidence. It is helpful to have a debriefing with the trained facilitator after each session to answer your questions and to discuss what was observed. Some sessions are more difficult than others and it is not usually easy to know ahead of time if you are going to have an easy or difficult session. Eventually, you will be able to help to grow other facilitators, but the more sessions you have the more experienced you will become. It is recommended that a less experienced facilitator begin with explaining the biblical basis and the prayer guidelines as a starting point. In the next session they may also lead the anger release portions of the session. Gradually they will take on more and more of the session until they feel comfortable leading the entire session.

13) What if I would have asked a different question than the trained facilitator? Does that mean that I am not ready to lead?

Not necessarily. We are not clones of each other and our thinking process may be slightly different. I like to think of it as directions to an address. There may be three or four acceptable routes to the same destination but the destination does not change. The Holy Spirit is guiding the session and we are following the current of the river of His Spirit. We should arrive at a healing destination.

14) What if detect that there are still areas of healing needed for a person after the session is ended?

It is recommended that everyone have four sessions. Some people need more than that to resolve the hurts and pains they carry in life. When the session is ending, explain to the recipient that more sessions will bring more healing and encourage them to set up another session in the next few weeks.

15) Can anyone facilitate Emotional Healing Prayer?

Most can but not everyone. If a person does not have a heart or passion to do it they should not. If they carry deep emotional wounds themselves they should focus on receiving prayer. Anyone learning to facilitate needs to have support, guidance and accountability until they are experienced facilitators.

16) While praying for someone they began to get a headache or pain and did not want to continue the session. What should I do in that situation?

There could be several reasons for this.

It may be a demonic influence attempting to hinder the session. Command headache/pain to go in Jesus’ name.

Or ask them how they feel about the headache or pain? This may give you a clue as to another issue of Anger or Sin that need to be processed.